Whether you direct a corporation or own an independent operation, your corporate name will set the pace and tone. However, a great business name alone will not guarantee success. Additional key factors to consider include:
--Logo design and corporate identity package--
Since a majority of people are extremely visual, a strongly designed logo can work wonders in establishing your identity. Visual design is a language in and of itself. If you don't have a logo, you are selling yourself short... if you have a poorly designed or unprofessional logo, you could be turning business away.
--Corporate Name "by-line"--
Many corporate names do not describe or even indicate the kind of products or services offered. Examples are corporate brands like J & R Industries or Red Moon. In such instances, a solid by-line can offer added valuable and concise information, lending clout to the name itself.
--Product Names--
Product names are certainly just as important as the names of the businesses that market them. But how can a product name best do its job in grabbing the attention of a customer or client? Some folks figure it's all about choosing a brand that is totally unique and unconventional like Uggs or Spanx. Others believe a descriptive name will do the trick. In the end, a name that engages emotion while providing a hint of description is likely to be the most successful. Go into any store, and you'll come across tons of product names you've never heard of, which means the product itself may be great but the brand is not. Yes, while the names Snickers, Corvette and Popsicle have proven to be tried and true winners, the same cannot be said for Edsel and Titantic.
Here are some points to consider when establishing a name for a product:
--A great name should last.
Years ago, product names were created to appeal to the public long-term. Consistent advertising campaigns turned many brands into household names. Just think of those Brill Cream ad along the highways or those for Timex that proved they "just keep ticking." But then many companies made a decision to put less emphasis on marketing a product name and more emphasis on marketing sales by focusing on price. Soon, one product name was blending with the next, and something was lost. Today, there's a move toward restoring the "personality" in a brand. And that means if you choose a ho-hum name for your product, you're likely to get lost in the shuffle. Develop a brand for your product that can work in multiple cultures for decades to come by telling a "story."
--Know what you want your product to do.
Choosing a great brand does not take place by means of committee. You could gather a roomfull of so-called experts, and have them debate winning names for hours. And in the end, you could well end up with a loser. As you begin the naming process, go out and talk with potential customers to see what they look for in a name product like yours. Do a bit of surveying, and then use that information in conjuction with your own inner sense. What feels right to you? After all, the person who gave birth to an idea is the one who really "knows" the personality.
--Stand out from the competition.
As you develop a name for your product, raise the bar for the whole industry. In other words, don't attempt to fit in with all of your competitor's names. Rather, dare to set a new standard. That's certainly what Apple Computer and Nike did with their products. When you set a new standard, the public will gravitate toward your product because of the motivational experience they believe it can produce.
--Consider your brand to be an evolving metaphor.
People love stories and metaphors because the imagination is engaged when considering imagery, and because stories and metaphors reach deeply into human experience beyond words. The "Cabbage Patch" dolls stirred imagination through the name, since this brand allowed for all kinds of evolution around the birth of these little creatures in a whimsical cabbage patch. The first name for these dolls was "Little People," a name that had nowhere near the metaphorical potential as the eventual name.
--Be sure your brand engages the emotions.
Air Jordans didn't sell because folks were interested in advanced construction of the soles. Rather, every time they thought of Air Jordans, they could picture Michael leaping to make a winning shot. Products help us connect to our dreams, and good product name will
--A great product name is supported by strong reputation and integrity.
Before introducing your product, set an internal standard that will be not only the foundation for this product but all those to come. Levi Jeans have established a high standard that has lasted through decades, giving the name an added boost.
--Don't go for "hip."
A great brand isn't contrived or forced and that means names that seem "cool" or "hip" will seldom be enduring. The public wants value in a product, and they also want value in a name.
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